Thursday, May 22, 2008

Mr. Mojo and his Fickle Ways

There is a strange phenomenon that attacks me from time to time. It's a condition that I call "Nomojoitis". This is a condition that appears at the exact moment that I find a full afternoon that I can devote to scrapping. Once I sit down, I draw a blank - no creativity, no inspiration, nothing, nada, zip, zilch.

It's not that I don't have anything to scrap; I've got oodles of photos, memoraphilia, paper and embellishments. Maybe I'm just overwhelmed with the sheer volume of what I have to work with.

I know other scrappers suffer from this same condition ~ and just like how to stop hiccups, there are lots of "cures" for a loss of mojo. Some people search online galleries, others browse through magazines and books, and yet other folks "play" with their stash until inspiration hits.

Sometimes inspiration shows up at the most inopportune moments ~ while I'm grocery shopping, driving in the car, cooking dinner, or visiting with friends or family. Of course, once I get back to my scrap table, I will have forgotten what I thought I was going to work on. "Mr. Mojo" has given me the slip once more!

But on occasion, the planets align, there is perfect harmony in my home and the scrapping Gods smile on me. These are the times that I love this hobby and continue to scrap down my piles of photos despite "Mr. Mojo" and his fickle ways.

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