Monday, August 17, 2009

Taking the Plunge

This past Saturday, Ira and I went to his daughter's home to attend a wedding reception for her son and his bride. Ricky is the oldest of Kim's boys and the first of Ira's grandsons to get married. The "official" wedding took place in June at the Outer Banks ~ a very small affair attended only by parents and siblings.

When Ira and I delivered the cake the day before the party, we could see that some of the preparations had been made; the tents in were in place; the tables & chairs were arranged. When we arrived Saturday, the entire backyard had been decorated ~ WOW! It looked great! We could easily see that much work had been done. Kim's got a big yard so we knew that it took a good while to get all the decorations completed.

Kim originally planned that at the end of the reception, Ricky and Jen were going to jump in the pool and release the small was a scorching 90 degrees (give or take a few) outside and the balloons were popping from the heat. Kim told me that she was going to try to get all the activities done quickly and hopefully their would still be a few balloons left to release.

Once the guests arrived, Kim quickly set the pace for the party. She was part Mother of the Groom, and part Drill Sargent! I kinda liked it!

As a wedding gift to the couple, I took pictures to create a scrapbook/wedding album. Since the activities were being done at a frantic pace, I was running to keep up! Once everything was done, we were ready for the happy couple to "Take the Plunge".

"One...Two....Three" we all chanted and then a big splash and a round of applause and the formal reception was over and the laid back party could begin. And there were still a few balloons left for the happy couple to release to the air.
Ricky has found his Princess and Jen now has her Prince Charming...I hope they live happily ever after!

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